How Will Divorce Affect Your Retirement Funds?
For many couples in Bergen County who are considering divorce, the most valuable asset they hold may be their retirement...
Should You Keep the House in the Divorce?
Divorce represents a major change for you as well as for your children. When you and your spouse decide to...
Tips for A Successful Relationship with Your Family Lawyer
Choosing the right family lawyer can have a significant impact on the management of any pertinent legal issue, particularly divorce....
Prenuptial Agreement Terms That Could Affect Your Divorce
Laws Governing Prenups in NJ The Uniform Premarital Agreement Act is what governs these agreements in New Jersey. In order...
Tax Reform & Alimony
What are the alimony payment tax consequences under current tax law? Under current law, alimony payments are deductible by the...
Nearly 100,000 Call Domestic Violence Hotlines in New Jersey
Domestic violence remains a significant problem in New Jersey, according to a number of indicators. According to statistics, police departments...
Modification of a New Jersey Divorce Decree
Your Rights When Life’s Circumstances Change As part of your divorce, you and your spouse will either work out agreements...
New Jersey Enacts New Emancipation Statute
New Law Will Affect Child Support Obligations A new statute governing the emancipation of minor children, signed into law in...
Informing Your Children You Are Getting a Divorce
Your children are pretty perceptive and they may be painfully aware that your marriage is in trouble, but that does...
Visitation Schedule and the Holidays
You may have a visitation schedule that works very effectively during the rest of the year, but things are typically...