Parenting Rights and Same-Sex Marriage
Protecting Your Rights as a Same-Sex Parent Same-sex marriage has been recognized in New Jersey since 2013 and in the...
Child Custody Rights After a Same-Sex Marriage Ends
Custody Rights Typically Extend to Divorced Same-Sex Parents The case of Obergefell v. Hodges had the practical effect of determining...
How Custody Is Decided Upon When Going Through a Divorce
When you are about to go through a divorce, one of the foremost issues that you may need to deal...
Common Problems to Consider During Child Custody Negotiations
Child Custody Issues Discussed During Negotiations Around 50 percent of all American children experience the divorce of a parent, which can...
Your Legal Rights When the Other Parent Violates a Custody Order
Enforcing a Child Custody Order One of the most contentious aspects of any New Jersey divorce case are issues involving...
Parental Rights Extend to Men Regardless of Marital Status
Unwed Fathers Have Rights Too Unwed fathers are often framed in a negative stereotype, but that pigeonholing isn’t appropriate to...
Informing Your Children You Are Getting a Divorce
Your children are pretty perceptive and they may be painfully aware that your marriage is in trouble, but that does...
Whether you are a custodial or non-custodial parent, dealing with where your children will be (and when) during the holidays...
Custody and Visitation – The Grounds for Emergency Relief
How to Get Emergency Relief in a Custody or Visitation Dispute For most parents facing divorce, determining who will have...